Nicola Tesla prophetically stated

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.“

 Nikola Tesla .

Ultimately all of life`s problems are addressed by looking for, and then handling, elements within the Spiritual Universe!


Observationist - Philosopher- Spiritual game changer

''From a very early age, feeling there was more to the world and the universe than was being currently taught in the schools and universities, a path was decided upon to search for and uncover the `hidden truths` that lay at the core of life!

The aim was more spiritual than physical, as it became more and more obvious as time progressed, that the spiritual was where the real underlying truths would be found!

This took an immense amount of spiritual research, that could only
be done on an individual basis.

A lifetime of searching and discovery of these basic underlying truths are being used now to help and guide others.

The search will continue as more research is undertaken and deeper understandings emerge.“

                                                                                          Hieronymus Quimp

Why a Powerful Past Lives Cleanup Is the Ultimate Cure!

Why a Powerful Past Lives Cleanup Is the Ultimate Cure!


An in-depth look at what is holding you back, your business and/or relationships and any other area of life? From the viewpoint of past lives and how they are affecting you today! Offering a powerful life changing solution to the above question.

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How Past Agreements Continue to Entrap You Today!

How Past Agreements Continue to Entrap You Today!


An in-depth look at PAST AGREEMENTS and their power to hold you back, your business and/or relationships and any other area of life? From the viewpoint of past lives and how they are affecting you today! Offering a powerful life changing solution to the above question.

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Free Phone Consultation
     Free in depth phone consultation, where i will ask you to tell me `what you wish to handle`.
 I shall look at what you have told me in the
Spiritual Universe, at it`s deepest cause level.

 I will inform you of what is causing the situations you are facing  (this alone may astonish you)
I will then assess the work needed and inform you
of the cost involved.

You are then free to decide,
if you wish me
 to do
the work!


If i speak to you, and know that i can not help you,
i shall inform you!

Hieronymus Quimp


Thank you Hieronymus! Our talks alone changed the way i perceived my problems and things around me. And THEN you did the work that changed things so deeply, i know i shall never be the same again. E.SMITH


Dear Hieronymus, Our initial talk was amazing, and i instantly knew by the way you listened and the questions that you asked me, that i had made a wise choice in calling you. The work you performed was felt deeply and changes were still happening weeks later, as my problems once complicated became simplified, and i could handle them with confidence and ease. Thank you so much for your patience and work. S. Coleman


Great to talk to you Hieronymus, As always more `spiritual stuff` to be dealt with and removed. layer after layer of the onion peeled away, but always leading to increased clarity and improved mental space. I never realised how much past lives could affect the present and the games earlier created! But as always i know the man to remove them forever. Thank you as always. R. Burley

TEL: 07497 143083
From outside UK -
Your country code + 44 7497 143083

If you live outside of the UK, a 'Google Meet' link can be sent to you - for a free online talk (voice only) In which case email me to arrange a meeting.

Thank You
  • London, England, United Kingdom